Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Life in Liverpool

      The past two weeks have been filled with study, study, and more study. We have two large assignments; Culture project and Jonah essay. The culture project has many questions about our culture and several interviews to ask about the community, health, the environment, politics, publications, history, religion, and tourism. It has been an extremely time consuming project! Hopefully we will be finished with that on Friday! The Jonah essay is an essay of how to apply the book to our lives. I have learned more than I had expected from really digging into the book of Jonah! Along with these two assignments we also have a core study book, which we read through and discuss as a team. It has been interesting to look at different passages and share various perspectives and what we can take out of them.
    Thursday is prayer emphasis day at the base. It will be my first time attending one so I am excited to spend a whole day fully devoted to talking to God! We have also been doing our typical ministry in the church. It's nice to finally feel at home in the church and with the people we have relationships with. We have also started brainstorming various things such as starting a youth group, leading an OM service on Sunday, our "international food" days, leading one of the "cooking clubs", school assemblies, and reaching to youth in the community.
This picture sums up what we have been doing! 

On a side note, the weather has been amazing!! We've been able to study, eat, and have meetings sitting outside in the sun! This is our "picnic table"... we actually found the pallet at a lake we visited and asked if we could bring it back. It didn't fit in the car of course (The car's here are all very compact;) so we had to use our purse straps to tie the back door of the car down... It was quite the adventure!

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