Sunday 20 April 2014

Joy Comes in the Morning

     Earlier today a pastor from another church visited our own church and asked me how I am doing. I, of course, gave the typical "I'm good, How are you?" answer. He gave a blank stare... "How are you really? I can tell... I don't know how to explain it, but you have this deep sadness in you." Keep in mind I have only seen him about three times in my whole life. He went on, "I can just tell you're really home sick." My eyes got all welled up. Uhhh! I hate being vulnerable. I don't want to show my emotions... Don't cry. I don't want anyone to know how homesick I truly am. I gave a shrug and looked to the ceiling trying my hardest not to display how difficult this experience has truly been. "I'm sure it's really hard.. but you also have this air about you of pure joy. A sort of happiness that only comes from the Lord." This led my brain to thinking two things. Well, I wish I wasn't that easy to read... But that's super encouraging. I know God has a reason for everything, but through all the muck and mud honestly, it is so hard to see.
     Trust me. Two short, plain words that the Lord has laid on my heart and in my head. Trust God.... Such a simple yet powerful statement. God is doing amazing things, things that I can't even see myself. I had the privilege of skyping with my church at home and afterward with my family who had Easter dinner at our friends (the Pecks). I can not put into words what a "God thing" that was. He knew... Oh He knew how tremendously much I needed that. It was the push I needed to know that I can do this - Only through the Lord's power. Also, not only to endure these last three weeks but strive for them. Make the most of every single opportunity that comes my way.
     Often I hear the rain and think of how depressed it makes me feel. Living in England with rain poring down 304 days a year, well let's just say it gets fairly aggravating. I'm a summer girl - Give me a beach on a bright sunny day and I'll feel as though I'm floating on clouds. Tonight however I feel something different. As I sit on the window ledge, close my eyes and listen to drops of water splash on the earth I'm reminded of God's promise... The promise He made after the flood. Pondering this my thoughts are then led to yet another vow we have from the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be joy in the morning. How replenishing is that?! So, through listening to the calming sound of the rain on the roof along with encouraging conversations I have a sense of refreshment. As though I have been working in the hot, dry fields all day and then I sit down in the shade with a glass of ice cold lemonade. Thank you Lord for those sweet, replenishing moments in life!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. I'm so glad that the pastor can see your heart. You are His precious child and He takes joy in leading you by the hand to take a risk and to know Him more. It isn't through the easy times that we learn to depend on Him, it's when we feel alone, embarrassed, misunderstood, betrayed...when we question it all, that He proves His trustworthiness. I love you. Keep it up. ~Tif
